Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Letter to Harry which arrived too late

Old Scout - wow, that's a nice term of affection.

This letter went to Harry at a boarding house where Harry was living while he was supposed to be attending photography school. Given that this letter was forwarded by the landlord, Harry didn't last long at this pursuit, either. I guess Herb would call this another Fiasco....

Herb seems more willing to tell his brother directly things about war - though mild. But here is the first time we hear about some shelling nearby.

March 20, 1918
Dear Old Scout,

After having had only one letter from home in over two months, a few days ago there came a regular deluge. I had five letters from Mother and Dad in one mail.

Of course the most interesting thing to me was the fact that you had left the Arsenal + gone to school. Inasmuch as the letter that told me of it was a month old, I imagine that when you get this you’ll be comfortably installed in your new home. Well, all I say is, go to it. We’re all back of you and I’m not at all afraid that this will prove such a fiasco as the last affair.

It was rather too bad that you couldn’t have landed that thing that Jack Hawkinson put you wise to, but it was manifestly over your head at present. The time for that will come later. Why don’t you write and tell him what you are doing now. I think he would be interested in view of his previous trouble for you. If you do, remember me to him.

The Section is now at the front and hard at work. Yesterday a shell dropped on a car near a dugout and battered it up. No one hurt.

Write me now and again and let me know how things are coming. I’ll be interested. Of course Mother will keep me in touch with you but I’d like to hear from you too.


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