This letter makes me wonder about what Herb did when in France if he were the clerk for the Section. Did he have a turn driving the ambulances? Did he move wounded on stretchers? He hasn't mentioned anything in these letters about any sort of medical training. I therefore assume the ambulance corps was literally just moving the wounded, not doing any triage or anything, but that seems strange. I would think if one was dealing with wounded one would have some knowledge of how to care for them.
I found some loose photographs in a photo album. Perhaps these are some that Herb mentions in other letters. Below I have included a picture of a fire in some sort of living situation. I don't know who the man is. I also have a photo of a tent. Pretty interesting in light of these letters. I have no idea why a photo would have been taken of the shelf, but it's interesting to have.
Sunday, November 18, 1917
Dear Mother,
Sunday again without anything of note having happened. I went in to Allentown yesterday and had a good cleaning up in the Y.M.C.A. That place looks more like an Army Club than anything else. The reading and recreation rooms seem to be crowded with soldiers all the time and civilians are scarce as hen’s teeth.
We’ve built ourselves, the four of us who are together, a nice dugout this week and are really quite comfortable. We put in double decked bunks for more room and a couple of days ago a fire place. With a good log fire the place gets almost too warm sometimes. I am inclined to think we’ll be here for at least a couple of weeks.
I’m excused from all drills now to attend to the clerical work.
The weather seems to get steadily warmer. Of course the nights are cold, but the days are almost mild.
I am very near forgetting to answer that letter to the Men’s Club. Fortunately I thought of it last Sunday.
I hope Harry can get a job in the Arsenal. That would be fine.
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