Monday, August 3, 2015

All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king

And this is the kind of thing that genealogy can do. And one wonders why I am obsessed...

If this is true, how wonderful. And, of course, wikitree claims I am related to Eleanor of Aquitaine.... I haven't quite proven that one yet... but it is one of the trees I have on, so as hints show up, I can explore more fully. Isn't that a hoot?

Here is the article - found in an English newspaper, though the young lady hails from California.


  1. Whenever the Daily Mail is involved, assume it's a lie. They're basically a grown up version of the Weekly World News. This, though, seems to be true, although it was not discovered by a 12 year old. and Baker used it to support his "Royal Candidate Theory" -- It all makes more sense when you consider how the presidential gene pool is very narrow. Everyone is everyone else's cousin.

  2. And, I was told, Andrew, that some of the connections are quite tenuous - thru marriages, for example...

    Wikitree is telling me that I am related to both Obama and Bush and also a couple Kings and Queens... so, someone else told me we are all related within 27th cousins.
