Saturday, May 13, 2017

Morris Genealogy

Yesterday I mentioned that I went to my local library to see if they had a Morris Genealogy on their shelves.

They had two - both for the mid-west, so I essentially ignored them. (Maybe I should go and look more closely at the oldest generations in the books... It didn't cross my mind that perhaps there were clues there. I believe, however, that I wouldn't be so stupid not to have looked, but I don't recall the answer.)

Anyway, as I perused the shelves there was a book nearby entitled Moseley, Mosley etc. Families (Book 2 of 2): Genealogical Appendix: Apparently Non-Norfolk Lines & Raw Research Notes on Some Readily Available Records. Compiled by Warren L. "Tuck" Forsythe (1944-

Well, I have a Jerusha Moseley in my tree. The name Jerusha always interested me. The name seemed so exotic. And my grandmother never explored her tree.


When you plug that information in, much is to be found.

Hahaha! And Dr. Isaac Moseley, with only one daughter, seems to have been a spy for the British! Hahaha!

I know this is the right tree/branch, because Jerusha's second son is named Isaac Moseley Danforth, her fourth son is John Merrick Danforth and her fifth daughter is Lucinda Lucretia Danforth. I think we can trust that Lucretia Merrick is her mother and Dr. Isaac Moseley is her father.

I guess I need to gather some more information on Dr. Isaac Moseley who seems to have been a duplicitous, greedy man. Ha! A good old skeleton in the closet!

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