Saturday, April 16, 2016

It Must be True... I read it in the tabloids

I guess I found a lot in the February 12th edition of the Week, though I probably read the magazine much later...

WTF? Get this woman some Rakfisk (fermented fish) so that she can populate her microbiome with some beneficial bacteria!

A Norwegian woman believes she was “born into the wrong species” and is in fact a cat trapped in a human’s body. The 20-year-old, known as Nano, realized she was a feline four years ago, and has since taken to padding around her house on her hands and knees, while wearing a fake cat’s tail, ears, and a pair of pink fluffy paws with which to groom herself. She frequently meows, and claims she has a feline ability to see in the dark as well as a cat’s loathing of water and dogs. “My psychologist told me I can grow out of it,” Nano says, “but I doubt it.”

I mention the fermented foods only because it seems there are a lot of connections between gut health and mental health through the vagus nerve.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the art museum the other day and there was a young person with cat ears.... Apparently that is a 'thing' with young people... to wear cat ears. Who knew? Her mother explained it to me.
