Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wondrous Creatures - Sandra Klink

The poor artist, Sandra Klink, was frying on the tarmac in State College in July. Once upon a time the street had been lined with tall elm trees, but they are gone; killed by the Dutch Elm disease or some such. Some of the other artists featured at the festival claimed to have made pieces from those very trees...

BUT, that didn't stop her creativity and the beauty of her work. She indicated to me that she uses silk scarves which she tears into strips and wraps around metal frames. It seems that Ms. Klink no longer has a web site, but the Central Pennsylvania Arts Festival had a few examples of her work. She had a lot of colorful insects and a few other creatures, as seen below.

The two above examples of Ms. Klink's work are unusual in relation to the rest of her inventory at the show, but they are incredibly playful.

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