Saturday, April 26, 2014

The stories of my family

Doing all this genealogical research makes me want to put the stories of my family members out in to the universe. I haven't researched any one who changed the world in a big way. (Though I am cousins with Benjamin Franklin! Cousins, mind you; we share an ancestor, along with most of the rest of America, I am sure.) I am going to see how it goes posting the stories I have been generating about family members.

I will confess, though, that I once heard a theory on hell which has caused me some concern.... One person's theory was that we enter hell when no one on the face of the earth ever mentions or thinks of us again. And the other theory was the opposite, that the hell is never being allowed to rest because we are always mentioned.... Think of George Washington or Benjamin Franklin. I would hate to maintain my family in hell because they could never rest. (I guess I should take note that I assumed the worst as opposed to the best of these two theories. Maybe I am keeping my family from hell.)

As I write this post I realize I should fiercely adopt the more positive theory, as I have decided to write the stories of the childless women in my family. Given how little is known about women through historical documents, and having no children to carry on the genetic material, this may be the only way to save them from hell. I may want to have someone do the same for me some day....

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